Take your family tree to new depths.

My Services

+Specialty focus in England and Wales Genealogy research

+General Genealogy researching

  • Feeling stuck in your research? Don’t know how to get organized and where to go next? We review and assess your situation and give guidance for next steps.

    We also help you navigate online websites so you can create and manage your family tree & sources.

  • Short on time? We’re happy to take the wheel to help you meet your research goals.

  • We’ll provide up to 30 minutes of complimentary consulting services, and share research resource ideas.

    If you’d like more guidance, reach out for more information about our Guided or Full Research Services.

  • We organize and digitize those old family photos and stories to help you create a beautiful, printed memory book keepsake.

  • Want a fun way to view your family pictures and information discovered in your research? We create slideshows with music to showcase your photos.

Meet KaraLee

I grew up in a family with a strong tradition of sharing stories of the heroes and heroines & the in-laws and outlaws in our tree. In 2006, I visited one of the largest Genealogy Research libraries in the world. That’s when the spark really lit for me. I experienced early research success and felt like a nerdy version of Indiana Jones! Ever since, I have loved researching my ancestors originating from England and Wales. The families I have been piecing together are very real to me -- much more than just names on paper.

I earned a bachelors degree in Elementary Education and have worked in the elementary school setting for many years. I also have a love for music and enjoy teaching and performing. My recent hobby is discovering all the wonderful bike trails in my area with my husband.

I love helping and teaching others. My research strategy begins by breaking down big projects and concepts into manageable steps. Let me help you narrow down your research goals so you can discover where you come from and find those that have contributed to who you are now!

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